12 research outputs found

    Supporting metropolitan Venice coastline climate adaptation. A multi-vulnerability and exposure assessment approach

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    Urban planning for adaptation to climate change privileges the construction of cognitive frameworks developed through the use of new spatial technologies and open-source databases. The significant and most highly innovative aspect concerns how resilience to CC under conditions of vulnerability and risk is defined, monitored and assessed. Based on these premises, this paper aims to explore a new methodology of climate vulnerability, exposure and risk analysis through multicriteria assessment techniques by activating a case study in the coastal municipality of Jesolo (Italy). Taking into consideration three main weather-climate impacts (Urban Flooding, Coastal Flooding and Urban Heat Island) the methodology searches for the best geo-referenced data that can best describe the recognizing impact of the cumulative impact condition through testing a GIS-based multi-attribute exploratory procedure. Intersectoral and multilevel vulnerability conditions at different spatial scales are configured. The analysis methodology continues using open source data (from Open Street Map) to construct local exposure information layers. Exposure combined with spatial vulnerability conditions allows the generation of multi-hazard mapping. Experimentation with multi-hazard climate-oriented spatial assessment can guide planning and public decision-making in new policy domains and target mitigation and adaptation actions in land planning, management and regulation practices. Finally, the proposed methodology can activate stakeholder engagement processes within municipalities to discuss the actual perceived risk and begin a collaborative journey with citizens to identify best practices and solutions to adopt in the areas indicated by the risk mapping

    Multi-Risk Climate Mapping for the Adaptation of the Venice Metropolitan Area

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    Climate change risk reduction requires cities to undertake urgent decisions. One of the principal obstacles that hinders effective decision making is insufficient spatial knowledge frameworks. Cities climate adaptation planning must become strategic to rethink and transform urban fabrics holistically. Contemporary urban planning should merge future threats with older and unsolved criticalities, like social inequities, urban conflicts and \u201cdrosscapes\u201d. Retrofitting planning processes and redefining urban objectives requires the development of innovative spatial information frameworks. This paper proposes a combination of approaches to overcome knowledge production limits and to support climate adaptation planning. The research was undertaken in collaboration with the Metropolitan City of Venice and the Municipality of Venice, and required the production of a multi-risk climate atlas to support their future spatial planning efforts. The developed tool is a Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS), which aids adaptation actions and the coordination of strategies. The model recognises and assesses two climate impacts: Urban Heat Island and Flooding, representing the Metropolitan City of Venice (CMVE) as a case study in complexity. The model is composed from multiple assessment methodologies and maps both vulnerability and risk. The atlas links the morphological and functional conditions of urban fabrics and land use that triggers climate impacts. The atlas takes the exposure assessment of urban assets into account, using this parameter to describe local economies and social services, and map the uneven distribution of impacts. The resulting tool is therefore a replicable and scalable mapping assessment able to mediate between metropolitan and local level planning systems

    Remote sensing e spatial modelling per strategie di adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici: caso studio Valle Savio

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    Gli effetti indotti dai cambiamenti climatici (CC) su città e territori stanno ponendo seri interrogativi sulla necessità di definire nuove pratiche di governo del territorio. Sistemi insediativi e naturali sono chiamati ad aggiornare le proprie strategie di resilienza nei confronti di fenomeni come la convergenza spaziale di impatti e vulnerabilità di diversa natura. I domini della vulnerabilità richiedono la definizione di un nuovo paradigma della ‘conoscenza spaziale’ articolabile per diversi contesti ambientali. Il presente contributo guida la possibilità di testare questa ipotesi mediante tecniche di spatial modelling e remote sensing. L’obiettivo è quello di agevolare il riconoscimento delle correlazioni fisico-ambientali tra fattori esogeni ed endogeni, ossia: morfologie del terreno (DTM), hazard climatici (IPCC 2014), indici satellitari (Land Surface Temperature, Normalized Difference Moisture Index, Vegetation Health Index). Il presente contributo si inserisce nel progetto europeo Adriadapt Interreg Italia-Croazia coordinato dal CMCC (Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici) testando la associazione e la correlazione spaziale tra gli impatti Urban flooding (inondazioni urbane), Landslides (frane), Wildfire (rischio di incendio) e Drought (rischio di siccità e desertificazione). Il test è condotto nel territorio dell’Unione Valle del Savio (FC – Emilia-Romagna): area geografica interessata periodicamente da onde di calore, siccità ed eventi atmosferici estremi. I risultati dell’indagine evidenziano una significativa associazione tra variabili VHI e dinamiche idrogeologiche. Il metodo, di aiuto nell’elaborazione di nuove informazioni spaziali, orienta le regioni adriatiche verso nuove pratiche di governo del territorio in chiave climate proof

    Commercio e pianificazione urbana in una societĂ  digitalizzata ; verso un modello reticolare

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    La dematerializzazione dei sistemi di produzione, della logistica e del consumo sta modificando radicalmente gli assetti fisico-funzionali degli insediamenti umani, dilatando le esperienze acquisitive e di vita in inedite dimensioni semantiche e connettive. Ponendo particolare attenzione al ridisegno critico della città, questo volume, oltre a costituire un’occasione di networking territoriale tra pubblica amministrazione, università e realtà confederali, rappresenta un’opportunità per sperimentare e diffondere nuovi percorsi di rigenerazione urbana e valorizzazione commerciale


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    The aim of the study is to show, how and how much, urbanization and soil sealing can change the hydraulic performance of a given geomorphology. The analysis area includes the territory of the ex Consortium for Land Reclamation Medio Astico Bacchiglione; a specific test was performed to Municipality of Thiene (Province of Vicenza). Thanks to a dedicated spatial algorithm developed with ArcGis it was possible to correlate, per pattern of land use, the runoff coefficients at the digital terrain model (DTM). The implementation of the functions of direction and accumulation (hydrology tools), has allowed to study the behaviour of the superficial runoff and to evaluate the hydrological impacts per use change, of two reference periods (1954 and 2006). The test generates the risk mapping. Areas at different vulnerability and exposure are identified with tool focal statistics. Referred to them are the spatial planning strategies on watershed scale. The algorithm in GIS environment allows to manage flood risk with multiscale and multitemporal analysis of the dynamics of land use, and to estimate the incremental levels of soil sealing and cumulative impacts. Hazard and risk are managed with a complete overview of the problem; it allows to check, in time, the uses at high impact and the health risk. The obtained results support the urban regeneration policies and the territorial development